Swim Lessons


Our lessons program was created to teach kids of all ages, levels, and backgrounds the skills that are necessary to be safe and successful in the water. Classes focused on water safety, stroke development, and endurance. Our approach is safety first and developing skills second. Instructors use a verity of fun and creative exercises that engage your swimmers mind and movement. For swimmers to develop full confidence, each lesson level is designed to be repeated before progressing forward. We look forward to swimming with you in our group swim lesson program, private swim lessons, and swim team!


*Remember to Check-In at the start of each lesson at the table in front of the recreation pool and aquatics office. Once it is time for your lessons to start the instructors will call the lesson level over to the pool. Please feel free to come 5-10 minutes early and enjoy our open swim as a means of getting your child acclimated to the pool prior to the lesson. We offer recreational swimming every day, and it is always a terrific opportunity to practice the new skills everyone is learning during lessons!*


* No one should ever swim alone. No child should ever be left alone near water. Lifejackets save lives, when in doubt, put on a lifejacket. *



CLICK HERE for FAQ’s / CLICK HERE for Reminders / CLICK HERE for Class Descriptions / CLICK HERE for Swim Levels.


For questions about swim lessons, contact Anna Varnell (Swim Lesson Director),
at AVarnell@oc-sportsplex.com or by calling 919-644-0339 Ext. 229

Group Swim Lessons
  • Classes are organized by age and skill level. For more info, there is a link to registration form above in red. The student-to-teacher ratio in each class is no more than 6-to-1. Choose from Mon./Wed. or Tues./Thurs. sessions (2 classes per week). Saturday swim lessons are also available. And Parent-Tot classes are a great way to introduce your little one to swimming. There are 8 classes lasting 30 minutes offered in each weekday session. There are 4 classes lasting 30 minutes offered in each Saturday session. Classes fill up fast, so sign up online today!
Private Swim Lessons
  • Private Swim Lessons are open to all ages and abilities. Private Lessons can be purchased by members and non-members in packages of 1, 4, or 8 total swim lessons. All lessons are 30 minutes in duration and scheduling is subject to instructor availability.
Hillsborough Aquatic Club Swim Team
  • Ready for the next step? Swimmers who graduate from Swim Lessons are perfect candidates to join the Sportsplex's very own competitive swim team. Whether interested in swimming with the Hillsborough Hammerheads Summer Swim Team, swimming year-round with the Hillsborough Aquatic Club, or doing both, we have groups for all age s and skill levels! We even have a Masters Swim Team for the adults!!
Swim Lessons | Orange County Sportsplex